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A Strawberry Summer

Lovely shoots! I'd like to introduce Simply Bloom Photography to you. Simply Bloom was set up by Vinia and Christine who work in wedding photography. Recently they did photo shoot project that is called "A Strawberry Summer" for design sponge . Great work!

(images via Simply Bloom)

Laura Laine

Laura Laine  is one of my favourite illustrators. These are her illustrations for muse magazine. I love her sweet, surrealistic way to draw. And I love how she's drawn the hair. Amazing!

(images via Laura Laine)

My drawings

1} Coffee Garden

2} The Heart

3} Champagne Lady

These drawings are created by mixing the traditional hand drawing and digital art. I just want to produce something clean with soft color and a definite feminine feeling. ^^

Milk toof - ickle and Lardee

So cute !!!!!!!!!!! That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! I love these guys, they always made me laugh! ^^

(images via my milk toof)

girl in doll house

Amazing photography by photographer carl kleiner. She looks like living in doll house. Lovely shots!

(images via carl kleiner)

My drawings

1}  Squirrel

2} rabbit and tea time

I tried to draw again at this weekend. My inspiration came from fairy tale and natural elements. Hope that you like them ^^

polymer clay

This polymer clay sculpture was made by cristinastreasures who is a self-taught artist living in Barcelona. I love how she did the dress blowing in the wind. And I also love her face that is peaceful and beautiful. I was totally lost in it!  

(image via cristinastreasures)

Dreamy photography of Keri-Anne


Here are some dreamy photographs of Keri-Anne(gingerlillytea) who is 22 years old wife and mother. All the photos like a fairy tale dream, really stunning and fantastic! I adore her so much. She is such a young photographer that she did a great work.

(images via Keri-Anne)

Under the apple tree canopy bed

I found this lovely bed at attiladesign Esty shop. It's 100% Hardwood (Ash wood) bed. Bed posts are laser cut to tree shape, hand sanded and finished with white translucent wax. Can you imagine when you sleep in this kind of fairy tale style bed? I think you'll feel like a princess yourself. ^^

(images via attiladesign)

Emily Martin's drawings

I came across Emily Martin's drawings at her Esty shop- The Black Apple. Here’s a glimpse of the goodness you’ll find there. I love her drawings so much, cuteness with a little bit weird...

(images via Emily Martin)

Elsa Mora's artworks

Watch these lovely plant creations created from the artist Elsa Mora, I must say they are all beautiful. They are breaking my heart with cuteness!! And her book, Blossom Buddies, contains 133 beautiful bright color photographs of characters that she created using natural elements like flowers etc.

And her paper cut artworks, I can't stop staring at the characters and patterns...really really lovely!

(images via Elsa Mora)

My Folk Lover Illustrations

What beautiful illustrations! These drawings are all by artist Catherine Campbell. I found her blog also really lovely. If you want to buy some gift cards or something else, many more are available for your enjoyment at myfolklover's Shop. Enjoy!
(images via My Folk Lover)

Alice in WaterLand

Beautiful portfolio of Elena Kalis

(images via Elena Kalis)

Jewelry for drawers

Do you know what are these? Earrings? Buttons? no! no! no!
These are drawer knobs from Anthropologie. Lovely! Right?

I'll kill her

I´ll kill her from Joerg Barton on Vimeo.

wow! Amazing viedo! Joerg Barton used Cinema 4d for 3d modeling and 3d Animation, Xfrog (as Cinema 4d plugin) for modeling and animating the plants and ornamental shapes and After Effects for 2d Animation and compositing.

梧桐寨瀑布 Waterfall Journey

A little nature walk, some fresh air, and had a good time with some wonderful friends!

let yourself feel

let yourself feel. from Esteban Diácono on Vimeo.

Forest of mine

I have my own world inside my mind! How about you?

Secret Garden

This topic was "secret garden". I drew some fancy flowers pattern that significant influences are drawn from fairytales, dreams and nature. And I added some colorful crystals to make them look like fruits.

What brings us together and what keeps us apart

You must check out the Little People Project via Loose Leaf Tigers. That's so cute and funny at all. And I like the title of this art installation, seems so meaningful...